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Industrial Cleaning Insights

Preparing Industrial Sites for Winter Cleaning Needs

June 14, 2024

Essential Winter Cleaning and Maintenance Tips for Industrial Sites

As winter approaches in Canterbury, it's essential to prepare your industrial facility to handle the cold, wet, and potentially hazardous conditions. Proper preparation and maintenance can prevent disruptions, protect your equipment, and ensure the safety of your workforce. Here are some essential cleaning tips to help you get ready for the winter season.

1. Clean and Maintain Gutters and Drains

Winter in Canterbury often brings increased rainfall, which can lead to water damage and flooding if gutters and stormwater drains are not properly maintained. Ensuring that your gutters and drains are clean and free of debris is crucial for effective stormwater management.

  • Preventing Potholes: Water sitting around can weaken the ground and lead to potholes, or exacerbate existing ones, especially in industrial settings where heavy trucks frequently reverse and turn. Regular cleaning prevents water accumulation, protecting your infrastructure.
  • Manual Cleaning: Our operators use leaf rakes, blowers, and brooms to remove trapped leaves and debris, ensuring a thorough job. This prevents blockages and allows water to flow freely, reducing the risk of standing water which can lead to potholes.
  • Equipment Readiness: Regular maintenance of your cleaning machines ensures they are ready for optimal performance during winter. This includes checking and replacing any worn parts, ensuring good tire traction, and conducting thorough inspections before and after use to prevent issues caused by debris or ice.

2. Prevent Slip Hazards and Pest Infestations

Wet and icy conditions can create slip hazards in your facility. Regularly cleaning and drying floors, especially in high-traffic areas, is essential. Additionally, sweeping and cleaning remove rubbish and debris around the site, which could otherwise attract pests and rodents.

  • Cleaning Surfaces: Regular cleaning ensures that floors remain dry and free from slipping hazards. Anti-slip treatments on floors in high-risk areas add an extra layer of protection.
  • Pest Control: Accumulated rubbish and debris can attract pests such as rodents and insects. By keeping your facility clean and removing potential food sources, you can prevent infestations that could disrupt operations and pose health risks.
  • Regular Sweeping: Regular sweeping gets rid of rubbish around the site, reducing potential nesting grounds and food sources for pests, thereby keeping the facility pest-free.
  • Drainage Check: Ensure that all drains are functioning correctly to prevent water pooling and freezing, which can lead to slippery surfaces and create additional slip hazards.

3. Protect Outdoor Equipment

Outdoor equipment and machinery are particularly vulnerable to winter conditions. Clean and service equipment regularly to prevent rust and corrosion. Cover machinery or move it indoors if possible to protect it from the elements. Regularly inspect and maintain any outdoor lighting to ensure safe visibility during the darker winter months.

  • Battery Maintenance: Cold temperatures can affect battery performance. Ensure batteries are fully charged and check for any signs of corrosion or damage. If possible, store batteries in a warm, dry place.
  • Frozen Liquids: Check and maintain all fluids in your machines, including antifreeze levels, to prevent them from freezing. Replace any fluids that are due for a change to ensure optimal performance.
  • Lighting: Ensure all outdoor lighting is operational and adequate for the darker winter days. Replace any burnt-out bulbs and consider adding additional lighting where necessary.
  • Equipment Readiness: Conduct thorough inspections of all outdoor equipment to ensure they are ready for winter conditions. This includes checking for rust, lubricating moving parts, and ensuring that all safety features are functional.

4. Prevent the Spread of Viruses with Floor Scrubbing

During winter, the spread of viruses can become a significant concern in industrial facilities. Floor scrubbing can play a crucial role in minimizing this risk.

  • Virus Spread Through Floors: Viruses and bacteria can settle on floors and be kicked up into the air by foot traffic and machinery, increasing the risk of transmission. Regular scrubbing helps remove these pathogens from surfaces.
  • Adding Sanitizer to Scrubbing Machines: By incorporating sanitizing agents into the scrubbing process, you can enhance the effectiveness of cleaning. Sanitizers can kill viruses and bacteria on contact, ensuring a more hygienic environment.
  • Improving Air Quality: Regular floor scrubbing reduces the amount of dust and particles that can harbor viruses and allergens, improving overall air quality and reducing the risk of respiratory infections among workers.


Proper preparation and maintenance are essential to keep your industrial facility running smoothly during Canterbury's winter months. By following these cleaning and maintenance tips, you can prevent disruptions, protect your equipment, and ensure a safe and efficient working environment. Stay proactive, and your facility will be well-prepared to handle whatever winter throws your way.